Fuel Your Career Growth with Dynamic DevOps Training and Certification


Supercharge Your Skills with DevOps Training program!

Introduction to the course

DevOps is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery, enabling teams to deliver high-quality software at a faster pace while promoting efficient communication and feedback loops between development and operations.


The cultural and technical movement that combines development and operations teams, processes, and tools to enhance collaboration, accelerate software delivery, and improve overall organizational efficiency.

Benefits of studying DevOps

Studying DevOps offers several benefits, including increased job opportunities and career advancement, improved collaboration and communication skills, enhanced efficiency and productivity in software development and operations, the ability to automate and streamline processes, and a better understanding of modern software delivery practices and technologies. Additionally, studying DevOps can help foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within organizations.

Who can take up the DevOps course?

DevOps courses are typically designed for a wide range of individuals involved in software development and operations, including software developers, system administrators, operations personnel, project managers, IT managers, and anyone interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills in DevOps practices and principles. Whether you have a technical background or are transitioning into the field, taking up a DevOps course can be beneficial for professionals from various disciplines seeking to adopt DevOps methodologies and tools to optimize software delivery processes.

Job Outcomes

Studying DevOps can lead to various job outcomes in the technology industry. Some of the common job roles associated with DevOps include DevOps Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), Automation Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Release Manager, IT Operations Manager and many more..

Why Techmindz?

Techmindz Specialization offers a set of courses that are designed to help to master a specific ability. Techmindz is a pioneer in both corporate and student learning. The state of Kerala it is among its most sought-after educational as well as training programmes for both students and corporates. It assists students in enhancing and developing their abilities and assists businesses in educating their current and new employees on the most essential skills. Experts will guide you to master the basics about development and growth in Kerala and prepare you for a career in corporate.

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Carnival Infopark Phase I, Infopark Rd, Infopark Campus, Kochi, Kerala 682042


Bridging the Gap, Accelerating Innovation. Seamlessly Transforming Development and Operations for Agile Excellence.

This Course Includes


Duration 2.5 months
0.5 Skill training


Certified course
Internship based on PE
Grooming sessions
Performance evaluations
Recorded sessions
Extra learning sessions
Weekly assignments
Main Project
Free Access to LMS
weekly assignments
Industry relevant assessments
Experienced Trainers from MNCs
Mock interviews and Interview specific support
third party assessment : Pre -Mid -post
Update on Job vacancy in and around Infopark


Duration 2.5 months
0.5 months training
3 months internship



Certified course
Confirmed Paid Internship
Sessions by Industry Experts
Flexible pricing options
24×7 learner assistance and support
Placement based on PE
Grooming sessions
Performance evaluations
Recorded sessions
Extra learning sessions
Weekly assignments
Main Project
Free Access to LMS
weekly assignments
Industry relevant assessments
Experienced Trainers from MNCs
Mock interviews and Interview specific support
third party assessment : Pre -Mid -post
Update on Job vacancy in and around Infopark


Duration 2.5 months
0.5 months training
3 months internship with stipend
job placement


Certified course
Confirmed Paid Internship
Sessions by Industry Experts
Flexible pricing options
24×7 learner assistance and support
Placement based on PE
Grooming sessions
Performance evaluations
Recorded sessions
Extra learning sessions
Weekly assignments
Main Project
Free Access to LMS
weekly assignments
Industry relevant assessments
Experienced Trainers from MNCs
Mock interviews and Interview specific support
third party assessment : Pre -Mid -post
Update on Job vacancy in and around Infopark


1) DevOps Methodology

– Assignments
– Overview of DevOps
– DevOps Lifecycle
– Comparison between other development practices
– Introduction to different DevOps tools

2) Cloud Computing with AWS

– Introduction to Cloud Computing
– AWS free tier onboarding
– AWS Management Console
– AWS Regions & Availability Zones
– Introduction to different AWS services
– Identity and Access Management
– VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
– Elastic Compute (EC2)
– AMI (Amazon Machine Image)
– Cloud Watch (Monitoring)
– EBS, S3, EFS Storage services
– ELB (Elastic Load balancer)
– Auto Scaling
– Route53 (DNS)
– AWS Cost Management
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments

3) Linux Operating System Story of Linux

– Operating system Installation
– Comparison between CLI and UI
– Introduction to Linux Kernel
– File System Hierarchy
– File Operations
– Disk partitions
– User & Group Administration
– Access & Permission in Linux
– Package Manager
– Process Management
– Mandatory commands
– Wildcards with Linux operations
– Log Management
– Linux booting process
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments

4) BASH (Born Again Shell) Scripting

– Importance of Scripts
– Difference between programming languages and scripts
– How to start with a BASH script
– Variables
– Arrays
– Wildcards and arguments operations with BASH
– Logging
– Statements
– Loops
– Functions
– Script Debugging

5) Containerization with Docker

– Introduction to containerization
– Transition of virtualization to containers
– Container Engine (Docker)
– Docker Installation
– Container Images
– Run a Docker container
– Build Docker Image
– Container Registry
– Pull/Modify/Publish of Docker images
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments

6) Container Orchestration with Kubernetes(K8s)

– Introduction to Kubernetes(K8s)
– Overview of K8s
– Master node and It’s Components
– Worker node and It’s Components
– K8s Cluster Setup
– K8s CLI (Kubectl)
– K8s Namespaces
– K8s Pod
– K8s Deployments
– K8s services
– K8s Ingresses
– K8s Secret Management Questionnaire         and Practice test
– Assignments


7) GIT Version Control System

– Introduction to Git
– Git Workflows
– Git Installation
– Git Branching
– Trunk Based Development (TBD)
– Git Commands
– Git Merge Requests
– Git Merge Conflicts
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments

8) CI/CD with Jenkins

– Introduction to CI/CD tools
– Different stages in Continuous Integration (CI)
– Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployments
– Jenkins Installation
– Jenkins Management console
– Jenkins User & Group Administration
– Jenkins Jobs
– Secret Management
– Jenkins Pipeline
– Sample maven application build and deploy (Fully automated way)
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments

9) GIT Version Control System

– Introduction to Git
– Git Workflows
– Git Installation
– Git Branching
– Trunk Based Development (TBD)
– Git Commands
– Git Merge Requests
– Git Merge Conflicts
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments

10) Configuration Management with Ansible

– Introduction to Configuration Management Tools
– Ansible Architecture
– Ansible Installation
– Inventory Management
– Ansible Ad-hoc Commands
– Ansible Variables
– Ansible Playbooks
– Configure hosts by using ansible playbooks
– Ansible Modules
– Ansible Roles
– Ansible with GitOps
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments

11) Infrastructure Automation with Terraform

– Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (laC) Tool
– Terraform Vs Ansible
– Terraform Architecture
– Terraform Installation
– Terraform configuration
– Terraform commands
– Managing AWS resources with Terraform
– Terraform with GitOps
– Questionnaire and Practice test
– Assignments



Q: Why should I learn DevOps?

A: Learning DevOps can be beneficial for professionals in software development, operations, or IT management roles. DevOps skills are in high demand as organizations strive to enhance their software development processes and improve the delivery of applications. By learning DevOps, you can contribute to faster release cycles, improved collaboration, and more efficient operations.

Q: What will I learn in a DevOps course?

A: In a DevOps course, you will learn various aspects of DevOps practices and tools. This may include understanding DevOps principles, implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, automating infrastructure provisioning and management, using configuration management tools, utilizing containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes, and implementing monitoring and logging solutions.

Q: Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in a DevOps course?

A: Prerequisites for DevOps courses can vary depending on the course level and content. Some introductory courses may not have specific prerequisites and assume minimal knowledge of software development and IT operations concepts. However, more advanced courses may require a basic understanding of programming, version control systems, and familiarity with Linux or system administration.

Q: Can I get hands-on experience in a DevOps course?

A: Reputable DevOps courses often provide hands-on exercises, projects, and simulations to provide practical experience. These activities allow you to work with DevOps tools, set up CI/CD pipelines, automate infrastructure, and practice various DevOps practices in a controlled environment. Hands-on experience is crucial for developing the skills necessary for DevOps roles.

Q: What career opportunities are available in DevOps?

A: DevOps professionals can pursue careers in roles such as DevOps Engineer, Automation Engineer, Release Manager, Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), Cloud Engineer, and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Engineer. Organizations across industries, especially those with software development and IT operations, seek DevOps expertise to improve their software development processes and infrastructure management.

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